We cordially invite you to the first Sociological Forest Symposium on 01.12.2023, 9:30 to 17:00, at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. With this symposium we would like to encourage a low-threshold exchange of sociologists and sociologically researching social scientists working in the field of forests and forestry. Among other things, but not exclusively, the focus will be on questions of forest-based bioeconomy, care, forest use and exploitation, relevant actors and institutions as well as questions of socio-ecological sustainability.
The focus of the event is on networking, exploring different methodological and theoretical perspectives and a specific sociological view on forests.
Two formats of contributions are planned:
a) the classic lecture format (15min + 10 min discussion) and
b) a pitch format (max. 3min pP, preferably with 1-2 slides, a flipchart or poster), in which you can present your research questions or project ideas.
Refreshments will be provided. The flumen project will provide the catering as well as the premises. Travel and possible accommodation costs have to be paid by yourself at this first meeting.
Please send us your registration (title, short abstract, proposed contribution and format or participation without own contribution) by 15.09.2023 (ronja.schroeder@uni-oldenburg.de).
We look forward to your feedback!
The Orga-Team
Jana Holz (Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Institute of Sociology, flumen),
Ronja Mikoleit (Social Change Unit of the Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg, Freiburg),
Anna Saave (Humboldt University Berlin, Department of Agricultural Economics, BioMaterialities) and
Ronja Schröder (Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Institute of Social Sciences, Social Theory Group)