13 Nov 2024, 6 am MST (North America) / 2 pm CET (Germany) / 3 pm EET (Finland)
Title: Exploring the Green Frontier: Patterns of Inequality in Europe’s Recent Forest Initiatives
Authors: Dr. Jodie Asselin (University of Lethbridge, Canada) and Dr. Agata Konczal (Wageningen University, Netherlands)
In recent decades, there has been a global consensus on the urgent need for coordinated efforts to combat forest loss and degradation, given forests’ critical roles in climate change mitigation, biodiversity, and local economies. However, the development and implementation of forest policies are complex and politically charged, often addressing ‘wicked’ problems with diverse actors and conflicting values. The proposed solutions—such as conservation, rewilding, certification, and forest expansion—introduce their own challenges. This paper introduces the concept of ‘green frontiers’ as a lens to better understand patterns and consequences of this new forest dynamic in Europe. Applying critical perspectives typically used for frontier studies in the Global South to the Global North, this paper addresses a gap in literature on frontier-making in Europe while highlighting how environmental discourses are reshaping landscapes and communities, often reflecting historical patterns of dispossession and exploitation.
To join the event, please use the Zoom Link: https://uni-jena-de.zoom-x.de/j/65854920539
Meeting-ID: 658 5492 0539; Kenncode: 008070
This event is part of the Coffee Talks Human-Forest-Relationships
Coffee Talks Human-Forest-Relationships
Let’s sit, have a coffee and talk in the scientific café! The “Coffee Talks HFR” give room for open and relaxed discussions on current research subjects related to human and society relations to forests. It warmly welcomes all interested in forest-related research to join the online sessions.
Each session lasts 1,5 hours. It starts with a 20-30 minute presentation of a guest speaker. After the presentation, with coffee or tea at hand, participants have plenty of room for an open discussion and exchange.
The “Coffee Talks HFR” take place three to four times per term on Wednesdays at 6 am MST / 2pm CET / 3pm EET.
Guest speakers wanted!
If you are interested in contributing to the “Coffee Talks HFR”, please contact either jana.holz(at)uni-jena.de, jodie.asselin(at)uleth.ca or tuulikki.halla(at)uef.fi with info on your subject (title and short abstract) and a preferred date.
The interdisciplinary and international scientific “Coffee Talks HFR” have a long tradition. In 2021, a cooperation between the Finnish research project Human-Forest Relationships in Societal Change and the German research group Mentalities im Flux (flumen) launched and hosted the “Scientific Coffee Sessions HFR”. Since then, they hosted more than twelve sessions with speakers form interdisciplinary social science background and international participants. In 2024, the network broadened and the event got a new name: “Coffee Talks HFR”.
The “Coffee Talks HFR” are hosted by:
- Human-Forest Relationship Research Club of the Finnish Society of Forest Science
- The research group “Mentalities in Flux” (flumen) Research Project
- Forest Anthropology Working Group on Europe and Beyond (FORAGE) FORAGE – WUR
- Soz-Wald, a newly-established German speaking network of sociological research on forest relations. Info on the network’s first event: https://www.flumen.uni-jena.de/symposium-zur-soziologischen-waldforschung-am-01-dezember-2023-in-jena/; join our Email-list: https://www.listserv.dfn.de/sympa/info/soz-wald